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UNDER C.G.S. SEC. 8-4c

There are new training requirements for commissioners and board members of municipal land use agencies.

Fortunately, the CFPZA has been committed to provided cost-effectict and convenient training to its

members since 1948.


Connecticut General Statutes Section 8-4c, effective June 10, 2021, requires all members of municipal planning commissions, zoning commissions, combined planning and zoning commissions, and zoning boards of appeals to complete at least four (4) hours of training by January 1st of each year. This requirement became effective on January 1, 2023.


Anyone who is a member of a municipal land use agency as of January 1, 2023 must complete four (4) hours of training by December 31, 2023, then must complete four (4) hours of training once every term (or once every four (4) years if terms are longer than four (4) years) the individual is a member of the municipal land use agency.


Members elected or appointed to a land use commission or board after January 1, 2023 must complete four (4) hours of training by one year of the date the individual was appointed or elected and then must complete four (4) hours of training every term (or every four (4) years if terms are longer than four (4) years).


In other words, once completing the initial four (4) hours of training in the first year, members of municipal land use agencies will only be required to complete four (4) hours of training once every four (4) years, averaging one (1) hour per year.


The law requires the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management (the "OPM")  to establish guidelines for such training in collaboration with land use training providers. The guidelines were developed in collaboration with the CFPZA and other non-profit or educational institutions providing land use training.


The guidelines require that members of land use agencies receive at least one (1) hour of training regarding affordable housing. Members of land use agencies may choose to take training in other topics such as: reading site plans, surveys, and maps; aquifer protection; coastal area management: and good governance, process, and procedure.


By March 1, 2024 A statement of compliance must be submitted by each municipal land use agency to said municipality's legislative body (e.g. Board of Alders, Town Council, Mayor and Council, etc.) affirming that training has been completed by all members of the land use agency by December 31, 2023.


The training requirements under C.G.S. Sec. 8-4c initially seem more extensive than other statutory training requirements. C.G.S. Sec. 22a-42(d) requires only one member of a municipal inland wetlands agency or the staff of the inland wetlands agency to complete a comprehensive training program developed by the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection annually. Whoever completes the training then must summarize new, pertinent information with members of the agency during a regular meeting. While only one member of inland wetlands agencies must attend one (1) hour of training per year, all members of municipal land use agencies must attend four (4) hours of training every four (4) years. C.G.S. Sec 8-4c does not permit one member of a land use agency to attend a training and share new information with other members of the land use agency during a meeting.


Training will help members of land use boards and commissions best serve their communities and may help municipalities avoid costly mistakes and litigation. But the hefty requirement may be taxing on busy commissioners and board members who are, after all, unpaid elected or appointed volunteers. The CFPZA, having provided vital training to members of land use boards and commissions for over 70 years, provides several easy, cost-efficient ways to ensure member agencies remain in compliance with their training requirements.


On-going training for members of land use agencies is important to keep ahead of changes in zoning law and avoid potentially costly mistakes and litigation. The CFPZA is an educational non-profit that has been providing this training to member agencies for over seventy years. The CFPZA provides three opportunities for training: quarterly newsletters, workshops, and an annual conference and dinner.




All members are provided with quarterly newsletters that provide accessible summaries of recent changes in zoning law, including new legislation and court holdings. Board members and commissioners who read all four (4) newsletters each year could be eligible for one (1) hour of training.




Agency members of the CFPZA are also eligible to schedule in-person training workshops. Workshops are typically scheduled during regular or special meetings of the member agencies out of consideration for the busy schedules of commissioners and board members.


Topics include:

  • Affordable housing

  • Good governance

  • Planning & Zoning basics

  • Zoning Board of Appeals basics

  • Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission basics

  • Historic District Commission basics

  • Zoning Applications, the Fair Housing Act, and the Americans Disability Act

  • The Connecticut Freedom of Information Act

  • and more!


Workshops are $168.00 per hour per land use agency. Workshops are typically for one (1) or two (2) hours of training. Two (2) or more agencies may attend the workshop, but agency each must pay a separate fee for conflict reasons. Complementary handbooks are included with the cost of the workshop for all attendees.


Training certificates will be provided after the workshop.


Member agencies may request workshops at their discretion by contacting the CFPZA at and providing the name(s) of the member agency, the requested date and time of the workshop, the estimated number of attendees, and topic(s) of interest.


Non-member agencies are not eligible to schedule workshops.


Annual Conference and Dinner


The CFPZA also hosts an annual conference and dinner each March at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington, Connecticut. The conference includes a social hour with other professionals in the area of zoning and a steak dinner before an hour-long presentation from a keynote speaker regarding a hot topic in zoning law. Conference topics are typically announced the preceding December and registration typically opens in February.


Member agencies are eligible to receive a discounted rate on registration fees.


Non-member agencies are welcome to attend the conference and dinner but must pay the full rate.


Attendees from member agencies are eligible to receive a certificate for one (1) hour of training.


Learn more about the next Conference and Dinner here.

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